June 30, 2007

June 2007 Net Worth Update (+$3,979.67)

We had a lot of financial action in June. Our investments ended on a down note, but we still increased our net worth by $3,979.67, to $13,022.20 (click on the spreadsheet below).

  • My wife received an extra $1,161.67 paycheck this month.
  • I cashed in 6 days of vacation time for an extra $1,219.11.
  • We sold Car 1 and bought a new (used) Car 1. $1,000 was withdrawn from savings to transact the deal, and we spent another $321.94 getting the new vehicle outfitted with an alarm and a few other things.
  • Also related to cars, my wife got a flat tire, resulting in a $159.25 replacement tire.
  • We withdrew $2,000 from savings and used a $1,000 business reimbursement check to open a Roth for me, and fund it with $3,000. The $1,000 business expense will not hit my credit card until July or August, at which time we will pay it off from savings. In the meantime, we are earning stock market returns on the money.
  • My wife graduated (great job sugar!) this month, so we spent $219.08 on a nice party for her.
  • June was a heavier than usual month for gifts to family/friends ($216).

We’re tracking nicely to meet our 2007 net worth goal of $22,000. It’s just over half way thru the year and we’re currently at 59.19% of our annual goal.

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